A playground for relearning HTML & CSS
Grid Container 1&2 development:Can't < br > quite yet
So using a br on the body (outside of the card elements) breaks the code (trying to figure out still). Vaguely remember shrinking the body by 75%, so I guess I'll start there. Workaround is to use BR on the titles for now. Funny how most of my issues are stemming from not properly researching the page setup. Shows that I've been far too reliant on Wordpress in the past.
Forgot something
Seriously, I meant to write something import here but I have no idea what it was. Oh well.
I guess it's fixed
No idea what/why that br issue was. It seems to be fixed? Go me.
Grid Container CSS
The barebones of how the grid works. Opposite to flexbox, grid container retains the grid format in a more 'static' way. I'm a pretty big fan of the customizability it offers. It seems that every .card I have placed within is fully responsive - to an extent. Scaling the screen size seems to increase the entire row size dependant of content within the P. I guess this is the downside of not using flexbox. Probably best to use this when there is a character limit, or with only 4-6 cards per grid. The pretty awesome thing I discovered is if you add a hover to the card (click activate), the grid automatically resizes to the content. Pretty sweet. I guess a workaround in the meanwhile is to center/align/justify (still trying to remember which one) h2 & P to the center of the card.
Grid Container 1 & 2
Code is being constantly amended for them, but they're super simple. In progress 3 column included.
Ignore the ramblings
Learning is way easier when you're typing down random garbage imo. I'll correct the misinformation as I learn.
Animated border colours
task reminder
Need to remember to actually implement these. Code is going to be an absolute mess (already is) so I'm majorly procrastinating. If my idea works it'll look pretty sweet though.
Wow, that was harder than expected
Seriously, that took forever. Stoked I managed to figure it out on my own. The code inside the textarea is pretty janky, but it works. I should research what I can exactly do with @keyframes. So much potential.
Colour Coding
I keep forgetting what I'm working on. So.. For this grid, bf212d is not started, yellow is in progress and green is mostly completed. I'm sure there is a much easier way to code this. For now I'm sticking with individual card classes per border. Added ChatGPT annotations
Sidebar Left
implemented - unfin
I've implemented a basic sidebar, but it's messsssyyyy. Responsive, but messy. I should finalise this first, and then do the vh afterwards. Going to be tricky making it responsive if I base it on current CSS. Maybe right sidebar up by 15%, pad out some space, then duplicate underneath.
Did its job!
I'll play more with sidebar settings and watch some videos. Too many 90s vibes for me.
Sidebar Right
task reminder: vh
Duplicate the left side bar into a new class probably named sidebar-right. It will contain the version history of the page currently on, and will span across future elements. Think it'll be a bit more of a nightmare than I expect.
Version History sidebar on the right, but it will get super cluttered in a few months. Looks way too 90s. Leaving this as is and moving on to a form of navbar to integrate.
Multi textarea boxes
task reminder
Need to check and implement the possibility of having multiple textarea boxes within the a card. Well, I also need to test it. Not sure if it will work due to positioning being absolute, but maybe I can make a secondary class? idk yet, probably have to revisit in a few months with more experience
Funny. Turns out it already works. Responds great.
Spam spam Lorem Spam
Awesome. Saved a job. Brilliant.
More Card Classes
Thin to test
Conic Gradient
Works way better than expected. Playing with keyframes is pretty sweet.
Navigation Menu & Sidebar
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Responsive Grid
Theoretically compatible with all devices. Works on 1fr and auto-repeat. I should test this with 10 cards (the class) with variety in word counts.
Flexbox Idea Gen:
Recipe cards - hover animations (jpg maybe?) Upon click, takes to recipe print page - Recipe on the right, the annoying text on the left.